Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Too busy to write!

Where has the time gone? It seems like I'm running from place to place and not much time to truly call my own. When I'm home and I choose to goof off a little, I see the clutter around me and end up feeling pretty guilty. At work, our computer center has been busier with people applying for job, government aid, etc. etc. I regularly check all of my e-mails and Facebook, but generally, I'm not as inclined to post much myself. Even the digital camera has gone unused since Christmas.

Of course, I am "in charge" of a meeting at church on March 13th that has required lots of planning and some creativity. Tim has taken a town job and we are trying to carpool which gets me in town an hour earlier and I stay later to accommodate his longer hours. We thought he found the ideal job opportunity-staff accountant, working in an accounting firm. The major focus right now is income tax filing so he is doing close to 60 hour weeks. Farm chores including milking the two cows fall on both sides of his work day. I'm milking cows at night on days I have off and I even learned to use the skid loader to clean several inches of snow from our drives. The first time was definitely an experience! Other organization responsibilities are intermixed with everything else as well as time spent with and for family members.

Do I want to scream " stop the merry-go-round and let me off"? Not really, life is interesting and not boring and in a few months life might slow down again. In all of this, I've met interesting people and definitely had some new experiences. Tax time will end and Tim will only work part-time in the summer; by next year, we will have less farm animals and be better prepared for the longer hours.

And now, since I really am too busy to write but wanted to add some meandering thoughts, I must end.

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